Monday, December 28, 2009

Endless Searching

Today is the second Monday of our two week break. I decided to do some more research on my project to see what I am really taking on. After much consideration I chose to have my dog and I become a therapy pet team. Sierra is trained in the basics; sit, lay down, high five/shake, and sometimes heal (if I'm lucky). I thought that with a little more help she could suceed in being a great therapy dog. Upon doing more research I found many organizations that offer these programs and became very hopeful. First I went on the ARF(Animal Rescue Foundation) website. ARF is located in Walnut Creek and I used to volunteer there when I was a freshman in high school. I looked at all the requirements and saw that my dog and I fit every one except for Sierra being certified as a Canine Good Citizen by the AKC. I then called ARF to see how I could accomplish getting Sierra certified. They picked up and I was transfered to the coordinators office and, shocking! I got the voicemail. I decided it would be easier to email her, so I sent a lengthy email voicing what I was trying to do. I then called back to see if she may have been on a lunch break and was transfered to another person who helps coordinate the animal therapy teams. She informed me right away that I was not old enough, the age a handler has to be is 21. This not being said in their requirements let me down. But that didn't keep me from pursuing this. I then looked all over the internet and found other organizations such as the Friendship Foundation and S.M.A.R.T Dogs Inc. that led me nowhere and were dead ends. Then there were organizations that offered classes to train your pet but all the classes were over by now. At this point I started thinking about other options for my senior project. This is when the doorbell rang and my neighbors with three little girls came over to bring holiday treats. I saw how good Sierra was with them, laying down and letting them jump all over her and pull her tail. This is when I realized that even though I went to at least 13 different organizations about therapy pets there had to be way that I could do this. I started to talking to my Mom and we can up with a good alternative to ask the ARF coordinatiors. We were thinking that maybe if I had an adult over the age of 21 to go with me to these classes they would be more willing. I then emailed the coordinator again and told her about my idea. Now it is just a waiting game for her to email me back.

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